Featured CPT Slider w/Carousel Nav

This module is a variation of the KK Slider. The first KK Slider allowed for choosing any number of Categories from the Divi supplied post types: Posts and Projects.  The KK CPT Slider provides for choosing a single post type including Posts and Projects, but also Products and any Custom Post Type introduced to your site via plugins or child themes.  So, if you install a plugin that involves new custom posts (Properties, etc.) you should be able to use this module (both the FW and Standard) to display title and content with a CTA.  The slider and nav images are taken from a Featured Image set for each post.  It is also necessary to create a “Featured” category for each post type used.  Setting this category for the individual post types to be included provides precise control.  For best performance and viewing experience, your image should be uploaded having a width of 1080px.  The system will attempt to resize a featured image having an uploaded original width less than 1080px.

Below, you’ll find a gallery of images reflecting various stages in the builder when constructing a slider.  Where possible, a caption is provided.  Else, see the FAQs at the bottom.  An Example page is provided to show a few possible cases.