Blogger Index Extended – Left Meta Title Top
Hello World 8
Donec a ipsum. Nullam tristique leo id lacus. Sed sed pede non arcu ornare interdum. Maecenas justo elit, rutrum in, adipiscing id, laoreet in, libero. Fusce quam. Donec a urna a enim gravida...
read moreHello World 7
Donec a ipsum. Nullam tristique leo id lacus. Sed sed pede non arcu ornare interdum. Maecenas justo elit, rutrum in, adipiscing id, laoreet in, libero. Fusce quam. Donec a urna a enim gravida...
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This option has three different choices for size of the thumbnail and has the Title appear on Top and the meta appear to the left of the image.